Tango Workshop

Tango Amistoso’s Immersion Seminars will be led by Winston Veerender and Silvia Bivolaru, and held on most Fridays. These classes will offer a structured path to an in-depth understanding of the magic of tango. Over the years at Tango Amistoso, we have built an efficient structure for teaching the complex and technical nature of tango, with specific exercises and drills. These drills are based on a thorough scientific understanding of the mind and the body. Accordingly, we have developed the principles behind these exercises in a structured way too.
Behind our philosophy of teaching are the four key pillars of tango: musicality, grammar, vocabulary, and expression. Grammar points are the how and why of executing vocabulary. Tango is an elegant dance with a particularly sophisticated grammar, which requires careful study and thorough understanding to master. We break down this Grammar into simple, bite size chunks, allowing students to learn and drill them methodically through exercises, until they become habits. There are grammar points for connection and communication, posture, and enhanced communication, as well as more advanced ones for taking the magic of tango further.
By combining grammar points with fun and engaging sequences, these immersive seminars will truly change the way you dance.
Leaders will learn how to construct a dance confidently and creatively. We will share the principles behind our revolutionary 5 X 5 Mapping System, helping you to become a star tango dancer, with a rich vocabulary and diverse range of expression.
Followers will learn how to add styling and adornments to the fundamental grammar points, adding creative expression to a strong foundation.
The first part of the Seminar will be on fundamentals, including walking, pivoting, crosses and giros. We will go in depth, explaining all the grammar points needed to create a strong foundation for your dance. The exercise drills will also help you to progress faster.
The second part of the seminar will focus on a more complex topic, accompanied with engaging sequences and fun adornments, once again broken down into constituent grammar points and exercises.
You can join the seminars individually. Please book online before coming if this is your first time. If you are a regular, please specify your attendance in the WhatsApp group, as we make an effort to balance the numbers for leaders and followers in these seminars. Do also feel free to attend with a partner to work at your own pace or explore deeper. The seminars are at Open Level and everyone is welcome, but please be advised that the material covered may be quite challenging, especially towards the end of the class.
Come along and experience our revolutionary way of teaching and learning tango, and help us spread the joy of hugs. Looking forward to seeing you in the seminars! Maitrī Milonga is a friendly Milonga run every Friday by Tango Amistoso at 10 Herbal Hill.
This week’s programme:
6:30-7:30pm: Connection and Communication: Grammar Points for Embrace and Walking
7:30-9pm: Circularity: Bring the magic of Circularity to your dance
9pm-1am: Milonga Maitrī with TDJ Winston Ivan Lim
Location: 10 Herbal Hill, EC1R 5EG