Tango Workshop

Join us for an amazing weekend of workshops and milongas with Joscha and Sayaka. They have profoundly studied all styles and traditional approaches to Tango, as well as various contemporary dance forms, latin ballroom, different musical instruments and martial arts. With a lot of experience, dedication and commitment, they bring a new understanding of movement into the world of tango. They will be teaching three Special Workshops and a Masterclass during the weekend. Please read about the workshops below and book your spot in advance.
Private lessons can be booked individually or as a couple with the visiting teachers. If you need help finding a partner, please get in touch with us. There are limited private lesson slots available with visiting teachers due to their short stay. You can contact them directly or by emailing us at info@tango-amistoso.co.uk. You will be paying the visiting teachers directly and the whole of your payment goes to them.
Book a full pass in advance to take advantage of a massive discount for all the Workshops and Masterclass. Checkout all the details of the workshops and their performance on Saturday below.
Friday, 02 August 2024
Address: 10 Herbal Hill, EC1R 5EG
Workshop 1
Level: Intermediate
Theme: Small & compact Movements – Playful & connected dancing on a crowded dancefloor
Time: 7.30pm to 8.30pm
Followed by Milonga Negracha until 3am.
Saturday, 03 August 2024
Address: Claremont Project, 24-27 White Lion St, N1 9PD
Masterclass Part 1
Level: Advanced Level
Theme: Power & Release in the couple: the variation of intensities
Time: 1pm to 2.30pm
Masterclass Part 2
Level: Advanced Level
Theme: Power & Release in the couple: the variation of intensities
Time: 2.30pm to 4pm
Workshop 2
Level: Advanced
Theme: Pivots - Rebounds - Boleos: 2 Centres to communicate different changes of direction in inspiring ways
Time: 6pm to 7.30pm
Followed by Milonga Amistosa until 10.30pm.
Sunday, 04 August 2024
Address: Claremont Project, 24-27 White Lion St, N1 9PD
Workshop 3
Level: Intermediate
Theme: Friendly Volcadas & Colgadas for the dance floor
Time: 6pm to 7.30pm
Followed by Milonga Simpatica until 10.30pm.
Book the Full Pack to make the most out of this weekend. You will get access to all special classes schedule for Joscha Engel & Sayaka Higuchi, the weekly classes run by Winston Veerender & Silvia Bivolaru and all the milongas following the workshops.
* Friday Workshop 1 with Joscha Engel & Sayaka Higuchi 7.30pm-8.30pm
* Friday Milonga Negracha 8.30pm-3.00am
* Saturday Masterclass Part 1 & Part 2 with Joscha Engel & Sayaka Higuchi 1pm-4pm
* Saturday Tango Unlimited with Winston & Silvia 4.30pm-6.00pm
* Saturday Workshop 2 with Joscha Engel & Sayaka Higuchi 6.00pm-7.30pm
* Saturday Milonga Amistosa 7.30pm-10.30pm
* Sunday Musicality Class with Winston & Silvia 5.00pm-6.00pm
* Sunday Workshop 3 with Joscha Engel & Sayaka Higuchi 6.00pm-7.30pm
* Sunday Milonga Simpatica 7.30pm-10.30pm
Consider the subscription options to save some money and be part of a super friendly community focused on quality Tango!
See you in the workshops!