Negracha on Friday, New course: Voleos & Ganchos, Improvers’ Night Out

Negracha on Friday, New course: Voleos & Ganchos, Improvers’ Night Out

NegrachaWe will have a classic night at Negracha this Friday with the Negracha & Tango Amistoso team and we are expecting a beautiful evening full of great dancing and buena onda. The one and only Ivan will be taking care of the Intermediate class at 8.30pm with a Technique & Dynamics class focused on Juan...

The Rich History of Tango Orchestras

The Rich History of Tango Orchestras

Hey , Join us as we uncover the rich tapestry of rhythms and melodies that have enchanted audiences for generations, and discover the allure of tango orchestras and their history. Tango music has enchanted audiences around the globe for decades. At the heart of this mesmerising genre lies the Tango orchestra, a dynamic ensemble that...

Your Tango Journey

Your Tango Journey

Hey , We hope you enjoyed last week’s email, where we touched on the mental & physical health benefits of tango. Let’s take a look at what your tango journey may look like as a part of the Tango Amistoso community! At its foundation, your tango journey will be one of self-discovery. Through tango, you’ll...

Mental & Physical Health Benefits of Tango

Mental & Physical Health Benefits of Tango

Hey , Following on from last week’s email where we covered the background of tango, we wanted to quickly share some mental and physical health benefits that you’ll experience on your tango journey. Forget about the fancy footwork for a moment; tango is more than just a physical dance. Here are some key mental perks...

Background of Tango & Useful Resources

Background of Tango & Useful Resources

Hey , We just wanted to say thank you for being a part of the Tango Amistoso community in recent times, it’s always a pleasure to share the dance floor with you, and we hope to do so many more times! You may also be interested in learning a bit more about the background of...

Ariel Yanovksy is back in London, Negracha and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso!

Ariel Yanovksy is back in London, Negracha and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso!

Ariel Yanovsky What an amazing comeback Ariel made on Sunday at Milonga Simpatica! We’re thrilled to have him back at Tango Amistoso while we’re in Buenos Aires. Ariel will be a regular presence in our classes, teaching and entertaining everyone. Check out the schedule to see where you can find him in the classes from...

Musicality week with Mariano Laplume and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso!

Musicality week with Mariano Laplume and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso!

Milonga CentralWe’re back at Milonga Central this week, just in time for Valentine’s Day! Join Demetrio & Anja for the Intermediate class, and DJ Ivo has prepared special love-themed cortinas for everyone to enjoy. Don’t miss out on more surprises! Special Musicality Week with Mariano Laplume We’re thrilled to announce Mariano Laplume’s visit to...

Agnieszka Stach & Tymoteusz Ley and new things this week at Tango Amistoso

Agnieszka Stach & Tymoteusz Ley and new things this week at Tango Amistoso

Special Workshops with Agnieszka & TymoteuszJoin us for an electrifying weekend of workshops and milongas with Agnieszka & Tymoteusz. Their classes are focused on very precise technique, deep touch, and contact. Agnieszka and Tymoteusz will push their students to look for a new quality of the movement and to challenge their musicality in five special...

How To Choose A Dance Studio

How To Choose A Dance Studio

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae...