Tango without connection is pointless. Without the connection we might as well be doing some solo activity. It is this connection that drives us as social dancers back to the...
Tango Amistoso in 2020!
Hope you had a good break and are ready to kickstart 2020 with loads of hugs! We are looking forward to welcoming you at Tango Amistoso and City Academy for...
City Academy: Partners in Time – Tango Del Corazon Winter Show
Tango is all about the connection with your partner and the connection you both have with the music. When it is fully improvised and danced in the moment, it is...
London Tango : the story of Ian and Anne
London is diverse and naturally Tango in London is diverse too. I dance in most Central London Milongas most of the times and I have now done it consistently for...
How Yoga Compliments Other Forms of Exercise and Dancing.
The Yoga4Tango class last weekend started off with an alignment exercise. We were asked to stand with our backs against a wall, feet flat on the ground and slightly apart, away from the wall. Then we aimed to lengthen and straighten the spine’s natural curve by pressing our backs up against the wall.
Flexibility and Repetition: How to be Mindful in Yoga, Tango and Life.
I am always quite fascinated by the fact that every week I can go to the same Yoga4Tango class and practice the same yoga sequence pretty much over and over again, yet still be able to take something different away from each session.
Connecting The Body and The Mind Through Yoga & Tango
I have been thinking recently about how much I have taken my body for granted over the years. Before I discovered Yoga and Tango I didn’t really think about how my body worked at all. It was just there, like something separate from me, which served only to get me from A to B, and make me look good when I dressed it up in nice clothes.