About Tango Amistoso

Tango Amistoso was found by Winston and along with Silvia we lead the friendliest Tango community in London. We push the boundaries of how to teach and learn Tango with revolutionary exercises and structured lessons of the highest quality.

Tango Amistoso is more than a place to learn and dance Argentine Tango. It’s a community of some of the nicest people you will ever meet in London. We take our Tango seriously but also work on creating the friendliest community for Tango in London.

Please click here to see our weekly schedule of classes for all levels including Absolute Beginners and Advanced Level Classes. If you like the buzz of performing, please check out our performance group Tango Del Corazón.

Our popular and super friendly practica is on every Saturday and Sunday with an optional vegan food exchange. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy our beautiful dance form that Tango is.

Our Teachers

Our Philosophy


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Frequently asked Questions

Learn and dance Tango with the biggest performing arts academy and the most friendly Tango School in London with the best teachers in the world. Come join us!

Tango Amistoso Team