Negracha, World Champions Marcos Roberts & Louise Malucelli Schedule, Milonga Central is on Holiday!
We had a blast at Negracha last week as we started dancing earlier! Thank you for all the positive feedback and support! We can’t wait to see you again this week with Koray Oksar & Isabella Georgopoulou teaching the Beginners lesson between 18:30 and 19:30 and the Open Level lesson between 19:30 and 20:30.
We will start the milonga again at 20:30 with guest TDJ Katerina Stoyanova and she will be keeping us dancing till 3AM
Check all the classes options and book your ticket now!
Of course Fridays are “Free” Days for a friend if you have an active subscription. Please check the details here:
World Champions Marcos Roberts & Louise Malucelli are in London!
Marcos and Louise are coming back to Tango Amistoso this week! We will welcome them this Saturday at Milonga Amistosa. They will be teaching the Tango Unlimited slot at 16:30 and the Advanced class at 18:00. The Tango Unlimited class will be an ESCENARIO SPECIAL. They will also be teaching the Sunday classes at Milonga Simpatica.

Throughout their stay here, you can find them teaching the Open Level Technique class and Advanced class on Tuesdays from 19:30 and some Saturday and Sunday classes when they are available. They are also available for private lessons, please get in touch at if you are interested. You will be paying the visiting teachers directly and the whole of your payment goes to them.
Milonga Central is on Summer Holiday
Thank you for all your support at Milonga Central on Wednesdays. We have decided to take a small break during the rest of the summer as most of you are travelling to more sunny places. We will be back on the 4th of September.
This week at Tango Amistoso!
The full weekly schedule is available in this link:
For your quick reference, here is the breakdown of classes.

7.30pm on Tuesday – 24 Exmouth Market
7.00pm on Wednesday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
7.00pm on Thursday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
6.30pm on Friday – 10 Herbal Hill
8.30pm on Tuesday – 24 Exmouth Market
8.00pm on Wednesday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
8.00pm on Thursday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
All improvers can come to the Beginner classes for free!
Intermediate Level 1:
9.30pm on Tuesday – 24 Exmouth Market
9.00pm on Wednesday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
9.00pm on Thursday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
4.30pm on Saturday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
6.00pm on Sunday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
8.15pm on Tuesday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
6.00pm on Saturday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
Open Level:
7.30pm on Tuesday – Technique Claremont Project, Upper Hall
7.30pm on Friday – 10 Herbal Hill
5.00pm on Sunday – Musicality Claremont Project, Lower Hall
6.15pm Improvers on Tuesday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
6.15pm Improvers on Wednesday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
9.30am Beginners on Saturday – TBC, check WhatsApp group
Milonga Negracha with TDJ Katerina Stoyanova
8.30pm – 3.00am on Friday – 10 Herbal Hill
Milonga Amistosa with TDJ Vasily Afonin
7.30pm – 10.30pm on Saturday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
Milonga Simpatica with TDJ Ivan Lim
7.30pm – 10.30pm on Sunday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
All Milongas are included in the price of the classes on the day of the Milonga.
20+ classes every week!
Check all the weekly schedule here:
Great value subscription options
You are absolutely welcome to attend individual classes that suit you best, but if you would like to dance more than once a week, then consider the subscription options. They provide a lot of value but also will help you be part of the community and grow with us all. Details are here:
See you soon for lots of hugs and beautiful Tandas!
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