Birthday week at Amistoso!
Thank you to everyone who came along to Negracha at Conway Hall last Friday. Overall, the event was a success and we will work with Ivan to do it again soon. Though, I’m being told only a fraction of the people made it to the after party, hope next time even more of you can join us for the after party and keep the dancing going late into the night! This week Negracha is back at Herbal Hill. Silvia’s birthday is on the 11th (she is turning 25!) and mine (Winston) is on the 15th. We will celebrate it throughout the week in all the classes we teach and in the Milongas with a special celebration at Negracha on Friday with a little performance too. Please come along and join us for the celebrations – we will be very happy to see old and new friends and your presence will make the week even more special for us. Thank you!
Details for Negracha on Friday
We will be teaching the Intermediate level class starting at 8pm and the performance will be about 11pm. Details are here:
FB event:
This week at Amistoso!
Apart from NEGRACHA on Fridays, we have 3 more Milongas every week! Every Milonga has it’s own character, please do come and check them out all to find the ones that you like the best, maybe you will like all of them for the variety that they provide 😊
Wednesdays – Milonga Central
Saturdays – Milonga Amistosa
Sundays – Milonga Simpatica
Upcoming special workshops
We have a couple of special workshop weekends coming up with visiting teachers this month. Murat and Setenay will be here in London for the 22nd September weekend and Veronica Toumanova will be here for the 29th September weekend. You can check out the details here:
Please do book your places in advance for the workshops so we can balance the numbers effectively. Thank you.
20+ classes every week!
We now have 20+ classes across various locations and various levels in Central London. We have lots of new enthusiastic dancers coming through the classes and also good experienced dancers in the more advanced level classes. Choose the right level and come and join our beautiful vibrant community. We put a lot of focus on Embrace and Musicality in all the classes, come have fun! You can check the full weekly schedule here:
Great value subscription options
You are absolutely welcome to attend individual classes that suit you best but if you would like to dance more than once a week, then consider the subscription options. They provide a lot of value but also will help you be part of the community and grow with us all. Details are here:
See you soon for lots of hugs and beautiful Tandas! 💕
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