Saturdays and Sundays: Term based Classes – Winter Term 2021

Our term based classes are starting this weekend. Saturdays will be at the Advanced level and Sundays will be at the Intermediate level. Please choose an appropriate level for you. If you have any questions, please talk to the teachers or email

We are happy to announce that special workshops with Veronica Toumanova are included in the term! Veronica will be visiting us in the first weekend of October.

You can join either Saturdays or Sundays or both. Please check the special deal we have put together when you attend both.

You can either book on your own or book with a partner. If you book with a preferred partner you can both work together for the whole term and make good progress. If you book on your own, you will be changing partners which has it’s own benefits.

Booking details for the whole term are available here:

You can also book just drop-in classes individually. Again, you can book on your own or book with a partner and work with them throughout the class. Classes schedule and drop-in bookings are available here:

Looking forward to having lots of fun learning and growing in Tango over the next few weeks. See you in the classes!

Best wishes,
Winston and Silvia

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